By Anonymous - 24/03/2009 10:41 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came over for dinner, but couldn't eat because he had just gotten his tongue pierced. My grandpa heard this, winked at my boyfriend and said "Can't eat now, but I bet that's all you'll be doing in a few weeks..." My super protective father was sitting right next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 936
You deserved it 9 581

Same thing different taste


hahahahahhahahahah i love old people your grandpa owns.

lol damn too bad my grandpa isn't that cool... I woulda wanted to smack him if he said that in front of my dad though! lol

badopie9er 0

Grandpa is just a silly old nasty man. Wink or no wink, you don't say that about your granddaughter in front of her dad. Maybe dad didn't see the wink.If my dad would say that shit in front of me, i would kick his ass (with all respect to my dad). What was his reaction? But how got a tongue piercing these days anyway?

If bf pierced to please u, then its deffinately is not FYL, ur lucky. If he did that to please other guys then thats really FYL....

it woulda been hilarious if the grandpa really did mean it as food but the dad understood it as pussy. lolz.

well normally such things run in the family... how can ur grandpa be so humourous... and ur father not follow it up with one of his own

Grandpa's a creeper, I think I'd barf straight up on the table if I was in that situation