Good question

By epictothemax - 10/03/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I went home for my grandma's 95th birthday. While there she noticed my new tongue stud and asked why I would get it done. Before I could reply, my cousin said, "So she can can make the boys happier when she's sucking on them." She's 9 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 125
You deserved it 13 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolajelly 0

LMAO i just want to keep up the pattern of starting the comments with LMAO


LMAO that is the best thing I ever heard. What did you grandma say to that?

brittanyrmh_ 12

She probably had an aneurysm right there and then

LMAO! had to start it the same way the last 2 people did. but ya smart kid. she will be very smart by the time shes your age ;) wow jk that was bad ahaha :P

no 9 years=grade 4 they know more than you think. some grade threes around here watch ****. o_0 LOLZ creppy...

I started watching **** in grade 5, I was young so didn't really have the good **** sites, so I just checked out scenes from YouTube :p I started actually jacking off to them in grade 9 , didnt know about jacking off before then, had never tried it haha

lolajelly 0

LMAO i just want to keep up the pattern of starting the comments with LMAO

ashleyyy_08 0

hahahaha...i definitley had no idea what that meant when i was 9

Sleep_EyEs16 0

you broke the chain 

mahimalil 0

y did u break the chain !!!! :_( :_( :_(

thats what you get for showing your cousin ****?

epictothemax 0

lol my grandma about had a heart attack and my cousin was yelled at for a while. turns out she walked in on her babysitter going down on her boyfriend and put 2 and 2 together. it was really really bad

wow, I bet your cousin was traumatized, what kind of babysitter has sex while working, gosh. was she fired? lmao

What the **** does this comment have to do with anyhthing OP is saying?