By Hungry - 14/01/2009 15:01 - United States

Today, a drunk girl asked me for directions to her hotel. I had just bought an empanada and was feeling good, so I agree to look up the address on my phone. Two minutes and a text charge later, I got the address. Out of inebriated glee, she hugged me and knocked the tasty empanada out of my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 611
You deserved it 4 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eir_fml 1

5 second rule? pick it up and eat it? C'mon. rip off the bad part and eat the rest. Unless you were at some truly filthy place. Or make her pay for another if you don't get anything out of it. Or buy another. Really, is it that much? It's like saying, FML, I lost 2 dollars. It doesn't sound too bad...

@#10, It's an empanada. You should try one sometime. Then you'll feel his/her's pain.


Eir_fml 1

5 second rule? pick it up and eat it? C'mon. rip off the bad part and eat the rest. Unless you were at some truly filthy place. Or make her pay for another if you don't get anything out of it. Or buy another. Really, is it that much? It's like saying, FML, I lost 2 dollars. It doesn't sound too bad...

popcorn_fml 0

i think it would be more of an FML she purposely knocked the empanada out of your hand...

ok seriously that is the worst thing thats happened to you? Why the hell did you bother posting that?


@#10, It's an empanada. You should try one sometime. Then you'll feel his/her's pain.

So what would you prefer? a.) a drunk girl hugging you with glee, and possibly taking you back to her hotel ooooor... b.) morning over your dropped empanada? I think (a) all around!

MukyDaCookie 0
dani_fizzle 0

wow uhh, go get another one you fruit

dani_fizzle 0

wow uhh, go get another one you fruit

TheBrunetteDevil 0
jazzykinss 1

A bread thing that you stuff things like apples or meat

I actually got one once from a market that was stuffed with mac & cheese! It was so good!

im with 15.. what the hell is this elusive food?

starberries 0

Have you ever heard of google? Jesus Christ.

...i would have gone to the hotel with her lol