By Anonymous - 03/07/2019 06:00 - Australia

Today, I got an angry text, asking me why I wasn't at the staff dinner. I've been gone for the last 2 weeks, and I wasn't told about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 589
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kmorse 14

I would disagree. If I haven't been at work in two weeks and on my first day back, they say "why didn't you show up to this". Well because I was on vacation and therefore had no reason to reach out. If it was urgent and required, they should have reached out to OP.

Did you leave the job for good, or have you been on vacation? Also, if it was mandatory, why weren't you told? Also also, what kind of job do you have where the staff get together for dinner? I've only ever had dinner with one colleague, but that's because she's also my roommate.


To clarify: This reads like you're back at work after vacation or something. In that case, why do you need people to tell you? Unless you have a secretary, it's your responsibility to check what's going on at your work.

kmorse 14

I would disagree. If I haven't been at work in two weeks and on my first day back, they say "why didn't you show up to this". Well because I was on vacation and therefore had no reason to reach out. If it was urgent and required, they should have reached out to OP.

If it indeed was the first day back, I totally agree with you. That's why I'm asking for clarification.

Mungolikecandy 19

You have been gone where? Fired?

Did you leave the job for good, or have you been on vacation? Also, if it was mandatory, why weren't you told? Also also, what kind of job do you have where the staff get together for dinner? I've only ever had dinner with one colleague, but that's because she's also my roommate.

Was it mandatory? If not then who gives a **** if you were at the dinner or not.

WeirdUS 29

Even if on vacation it is still your responsibility to check especially if you were at home and could've gone. Employers are not going to personally tell every employee. You are supposed to call in check or stop to see if anything was posted.