By rhythmbandit - 09/10/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, my boyfriend bought me a beautiful pair of very expensive diamond earrings, along with a card that read, "To my beautiful brown eyed Princess." My ears aren't pierced, and my eyes are green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 172
You deserved it 4 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he's hoping you'll get brown contacts and pierce your ears to suit his royal standards. lol

blueavenger 0

"Us guys"? Speak for yourself. I'm a guy, and I would make sure NOT to write down the wrong color on this note. If I didn't know, I wouldn't say anything about it. Some guys are not assholes, newsflash.


alex_mu 0

FIRST!!! .....................................................NOT

So he's not observant. Big deal. You obviously like him for other reasons. Just ask yourself, do you want to be with a man you loves you and doesn't notice your eye color because looks don't matter?

sbarre1 0

So pierce your damn ears and STFU.

OMG stop you bloody complaining, go out and piece you god dang ears!! HE BOUGHT YOU DIAMONDS

Did you know as many as a third of men have some type of color blindness? I am red-green colorblind, and I would probably think your green eyes are brown.

PutDownTheGun 0

Wow. Way to be an ungrateful bitch. He could easily be colorblind, since a good number of men are. I'm violet-blind, for example. And it's natural for him to assume that your ears are pierced since a good many women have piercings. He must've spent a ton of his own money on the diamonds, and you treat the gift as an insult. He should just dump you now, because if he doesn't, you'll just drain all of his money in a divorce settlement.

LOL. YDI for not measuring up to the brown eyed princess. But seriously: how do you think the "brown-eyed princess" felt when she openned your boyfriend's gift envelope and found a certificate for a "vaginoplasty consultation" with a plastic surgeon?

There is no need for a 600 pound woman to worry how ear rings will make her look.