By cheesy grin - 11/06/2018 19:00

Today, my front tooth randomly fell out in the middle of class. I brush regularly and visit the dentist, the tooth was perfectly healthy looking, and it didn’t hurt beforehand or bleed. It literally just fell out for no reason. Now I have a gap grin and I don’t know why. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 027
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to be a downer, but I strongly urge you to make an appointment with both your dentist and your general doctor. This could possibly be caused by an underlying condition. Wish you the best.

julfunky 29

I can’t tell you how many dreams I’ve had about my teeth falling out. It’s terrifying.


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Can someone please make a joke with calculus, tratar, hardened plaque or periodontitis? I failed miserably XD

I hate to be a downer, but I strongly urge you to make an appointment with both your dentist and your general doctor. This could possibly be caused by an underlying condition. Wish you the best.

Lobby_Bee 17

Professional boxing might be in your future.

Zekfen 17

Well there are a couple of hereditary possibilities. 1. Are you descended from a hillbilly family? Get 32 of them in a room at the same time and you have a full set of teeth. 2. Your father is a rapper or rapper wannabe. I think it is law that they replace teeth with gold teeth and then it became hereditary to lose them. 3. You are descended from pirates, at which point you are destined for wooden teeth if you decide to have any at all, and possibly a wooden leg.

Zekfen 17

In all seriousness, there are many diseases that cause bone deterioration and you will want to get checked for these. I had a friend who had one that affected his jaw bone and he randomly lost several teeth before they caught it.

JudgeComrade 17

How is this getting downvotes? This is the best comment in the history of comments!

Must be a lot more hillbillies on here than I would've thought.

Look on the bright side, now you don't have to waste time brushing or flossing anymore, it's clearly pointless.

tarabella 7

Let me guess, then you noticed you weren't wearing any pants and had left all of your stuff at home and the teacher called you to the board and everyone laughed as you walked up front half nekkid and toothless. And then the alarm rang

julfunky 29

I can’t tell you how many dreams I’ve had about my teeth falling out. It’s terrifying.

tarabella 7

i know. it's one of the worst nightmares

You should start wearing an eye patch and no one will notice the missing tooth.

For Halloween you can put a candle in your head and go as a jack-o-lantern.