By sadgf - 29/03/2009 17:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were snuggling on bed watching tv. He gets up at one point and turns the light off and I asked him why. He said "You look better in the dark". FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 904
You deserved it 6 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

u shoulda said "how does this look in the dark?" and smacked him

tell him his penis looks bigger in the dark too.


DancePro 0

I agree with the first part of #14. Everyone on this site always expects the worst and it's gettin kinda annoying!

I would say , well thats funny , cause you dont ?

Awww? Haha thats actually pretty funny. Did he kiss you afterwards and say kidding babe or just leave it? Dump his ass if he was just being a fag.

slynoble32 11

lol eather he meant it like a lets have sex in the dark ir ur just ugly lol