By tjcl - 28/11/2009 06:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were gazing into each others' eyes in the moonlight after not having seen each other for a week. I thought he was going to say "I love you" and pull me in for a kiss. Instead, he said, "Since you can’t drive, we should get one of those two seater bicycles." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 303
You deserved it 9 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fakkumairaifu 14

What's the problem? That's still totally adorable. FYL for not appreciating a boyfriend who says such cute things.

heart604 0

movies have killed romance for you


heart604 0

movies have killed romance for you

fakkumairaifu 14

What's the problem? That's still totally adorable. FYL for not appreciating a boyfriend who says such cute things.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Thats what I was thinking! That is so cute! Jeez just because he didn't say "I love you" doesn't mean he doesn't care! He obviously does if he wants to ride around town on a bike with you

testing_fml 0

Agreed that it's really sweet. I'm going with YDI because having a boyfriend who said or did the "wrong" adorable thing at a particular moment isn't a FYL moment.

I agree with 89. He didn't do what you expect and your life sucks? He didn't do anything bad. He said what he was thinking and it was a nice thought.

exactly what I was thinking. it's still a really cute gesture on OP's boyfriend's part.

That's really sweet! What's wrong with you :s

caticaticati 3

Iunno... Two seater bike? Still sounds adorable to me.

too funny - "Well I'm to play WOW, make me something to eat" would have been soooo much more romantic

Boys will be boys. There is no other explanation. Or solution.

theblazian 0

Yup... damn those boys when they do sweeet romantic things but it isn't the sweet romantic thing that you wanted. You should totally dump him and find someone even more romantic. I can assure you that this guy ( never let his girlfriend down when she wanted something!

It is time for The_Pleb to ask for a 'sammich' now.

aha and of course he did...funny part is he's probly jus some virgin 14 y/o wit no gf but watches sxephil and jus repeats wat he heard

We aren't exactly subtle, and romance is something we have to intend on creating in order for us not to ruin your moment. But that's a good thing because slipping away from reality can give you lofty goals, and that only leads to disappointment.

Oh come on, i'd say something like that too, "i love you" is way too predictable!