By InvAzn - 14/12/2017 06:00

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting intimate with each other, starting with some foreplay. Before he fingered me, he put on a blue surgical glove, claiming that "down there is dirty and smelly" and he didn't want it on his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 580
You deserved it 2 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PhantomCrevan 8

Well... is their odor there? Or unusual discharge? Or had you simply not bathed recently? If he seriously felt your mothers were so unsanitary he needed to use gloves, then either something IS wrong, or he has some issues he needs to work out. Which, don't be surprised if said issues turn out to be his **** habits gave him unrealistic standards and expectations of how that anatomy is supposed to be.

Yeah, it does not sound like this is a guy who is mature enough for sex.


PhantomCrevan 8

Well... is their odor there? Or unusual discharge? Or had you simply not bathed recently? If he seriously felt your mothers were so unsanitary he needed to use gloves, then either something IS wrong, or he has some issues he needs to work out. Which, don't be surprised if said issues turn out to be his **** habits gave him unrealistic standards and expectations of how that anatomy is supposed to be.

Yeah, it does not sound like this is a guy who is mature enough for sex.

TeachAllTheMath 19

What?! Vaginas have an odor?! How abhorrent!!! They should be surgically clean at all times with zero odor at all times! Calling a ****** “mothers” is really icky. It’s a ******. You can just say ******, we aren’t in elementary school anymore. (Also- the irony of you mentioning I don’t have a good grasp on the English language in a former conversation we had on a different post, and then using their instead of there is not lost on me)

I think they tried to spell 'mothers for Nether-regions. Althougthinthehehe OP'boyfriendsnd may be going overboard, there ARE some women who think their smell is normal, when in fact there is yeast problems. And it DOES smell! Then too, I remember the majority of users on here are young to mid-teens and are severely uneducated in anatomy. Not entirely sure how old OP/BF is, or if OP's BF is telling the truth or is a moronic jerk.

Oh my gosh, it corrected me too. NETHERS*

PhantomCrevan 8

It's called autocorrect and FML refusing to reimplement the edit function despite knowing that people have run into repeated issues due to autocorrect making incorrect changes. Which, even if I had substituted one homophone for another, it would be a very different matter than an inability to understand a basic concept. Like knocking. Also, bringing up something from nearly a month ago on a completely separate post? Real mature, and not at all harassing or off topic. You've shown your poor grasp of manners again, considering that it is well known that it's inappropriate to intentionally attempt to embarrass someone while pretending said attempt is a corrective statement. Finally, unusual or strong vaginal odor IS a sign of a problem, more specifically it tends to indicate an infection of some kind, be it bacterial or fungal. There's a distinct difference between the scent produced by healthy body parts and one that is experiencing some sort of issue, regardless of what said body part is. Hence why scent can be and is in fact used as a diagnostic tool for many illnesses. So if you are going to attempt to correct someone in order to "show up" someone for an entirely different subject, it may be beneficial to know what you are talking about. Or, you could be a mature adult- which, presumably as a married person, you should be- and not drag up an unrelated subject, after you yourself claimed said subject was settled.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Nethers or mothers, it’s still called a ******. To my credit, it was damn near impossible not to take the bait when you knocked me for my English language abilities, and you left the bait right “their”. You don’t need to get all crazy upset though, just joking around with you.

That's what the shower and mouth wash is for.

Vesi 29

You do not EVER use ANYTHING inside the ******, especially mouthwash! It takes care of itself. If medical help is needed, then only via a Doc's orders (suppositories). Funny how everyone jumped on OP saying she has a medical condition. In this case, I suspect the issue is actually the guy has a problem with female genitalia. On the plus side, at least the OP knows he's protecting himself with any other girls, too. But if she is truly concerned about herself, a simple and quick visit with a gun will ease her mind.

brandosgirl87 2

I think he meant mouthwash for the mouth, after oral... not into the ******. I think he was talking about ways for the guy to clean himself up after.

Vesi 29

OK.. that was supposed to say G Y N not a gun... dahell FML???

Hmm? If a woman wants to wear blue gloves while giving me a ********, I’d go for that!

Lobby_Bee 17

It would look like a dude from Blue Man Group is gently caressing my penis. I'm not sure how I would feel about that.

Or put a blue glove on his willy if he asks for a *******

ProperPengTing 15
Goatstookallusernames 5

Ppl will obviously ask about your personal hygiene when you post such an FML, but you did anyway. YDI.

Geez, what's wrong with him? Dirty and smelly is the best part!