By Minecraftwhyyy - 22/08/2012 15:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I reached that point in our relationship where just a simple phone conversation was too boring. His idea to spice things up? Playing Minecraft together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 125
You deserved it 6 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sniperkit 10

I see no problems here. Or maybe it's that you don't actually talk anymore..


Damn if you can't even talk on the phone you should end it.

DenBriZel 31

So? If it's something he enjoys, give it a try? Or are you too stuck up to try something he likes? I'd be ecstatic if my bf asked me to play a video game with him, even if it's one I've never really been into before.

Its a shame that your relation isn't spicy enough but you should give him credit for trying to spice things up. He's trying to to have a common interest for you both. Give it a shot or come up with an alternative. Don't shoot him down as of yet. You might like minecraft

Koizumiii 23

I think that's actually a great idea. I've played minecraft with my boyfriend before!

MnM0609 22

I fail to see the problem here. My husband and I do that all the time. Don't play League together though. The rage is too stronk.

My boyfriend and I have known each-other for three years and a simple conversation is still stimulating.