By Minecraftwhyyy - 22/08/2012 15:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I reached that point in our relationship where just a simple phone conversation was too boring. His idea to spice things up? Playing Minecraft together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 125
You deserved it 6 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sniperkit 10

I see no problems here. Or maybe it's that you don't actually talk anymore..


Nothing brings you closer together than hearing your bf scream like a little girl when a creeper explodes directly behind him.

fmlcreations 0

thats a pretty good boyfriend you got there.! blocks for love.

smartkid33 3

Woah woah Minecraft is awesome Ur boy is really try don't screw ur relationship up just because u have a dislike in what he like

lilicoco_fml 5
missababgaga 19

My boyfriend and I play Skyrim together, though on different consoles, we still sit right next to each other. It's a nice way to spend time together!

Turtle_rebellion 10

The point of minecraft is that it's a game for creative people, unlike most other games. Anyone can kill someone in call of duty, but it takes a special kind of person to design.a working piston elevator without the help of tekkit ;)

ahhbeex 8

I don't see the problem here. My boy-friend and I play minecraft together all the time while webcamming. You get to do stuff together, and talk. At least it brings joy into your relationship, and gives you something to talk about, right?