By Minecraftwhyyy - 22/08/2012 15:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I reached that point in our relationship where just a simple phone conversation was too boring. His idea to spice things up? Playing Minecraft together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 125
You deserved it 6 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sniperkit 10

I see no problems here. Or maybe it's that you don't actually talk anymore..


My boyfriend and I bonded over minecraft. We played there together for weeks and talked on ventrilo before he asked me put. It's incredibly fun :3

If i had a dollar eveytime i saw that comment, Bill Gates would be my bitch.

mmmBaby 2

WHAT THE ****, me & my boyfriend facetime while playing minecraft. Such a dope game!

You should take him up on that, its really good to build something with someone.

sugarbear0727 19

My boyfriend convinced me to start playing WoW. Now I'm kinda obsessed. >.< but we play together, and it makes him happy

Mine craft is fun, don't knock it!

Taioteth 4

Don't see you coming up with anything...

I think he's just an MLIAer. he sounds awesome.