By Minecraftwhyyy - 22/08/2012 15:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I reached that point in our relationship where just a simple phone conversation was too boring. His idea to spice things up? Playing Minecraft together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 125
You deserved it 6 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sniperkit 10

I see no problems here. Or maybe it's that you don't actually talk anymore..


darkwolf666 3

When a guy wants to teach you a video game it means you are the most important person in his life, also he needs a healer

At least he is trying no wonder it is getting boring...

Playing Minecraft together is how I actually got my boyfriend XD

First, I think that if you have a good relationship, your conversations should never feel boring or awkward. Second, if you're into video games, Minecraft can be pretty cool.

Inheritance 10

Ah! like pixelated cosplay sex?

Inheritance 10

I don't.. I honestly don't understand the point and concept of it. Thumb me down go ahead.