By Anonymous - 04/09/2011 05:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a huge fight. What was it over? He accused me of pronouncing MY name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 721
You deserved it 3 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jbfu 0

Hahahahahaha oh wow. Yeah he's not worth it


He's got control issues you don't want in the future.. RUN

drawmesunshine 17

Yes, 'You WILL wear the red dress to do the dishes and your name is no longer Lauren! From now on you will only answer to Sue.>

The fk pardon me gents the glitchy fail system of FML sent my comment here FML

If he gets mad cause of that, try not to pronounce his name wrong...

perdix 29

Maybe your name is L-a, and you've been pronouncing it Ladasha, when it really should be Lahyphena. Shut up and make him a sammich, because he's right. Your stupid mom should have spelled it L--a.

I actually talked to someone once with that name spelling and all not as bad as ******** though (shi-theed

Wow, your profile says you love everyone. Do you love perdix even if he's a sexist asshole?

perdix 29

Jeez, SuperSukh, as Enslaved points out you claim to love everyone, but your comment to me wasn't very loving. Also, when people want to proclaim that someone is stupid, their credibility is eroded when they can't the your/you're distinction right. I know it's not a typo, because on your profile, you repeated show that you really don't grasp the your/you're concept.

drawmesunshine 17

Perdix, I love yew and yore profile picture. Your my gnu favourite person on FML.

Sweej 1

Perdix - "can't the your/you're distinction right." Fail. Not quite as big as a fail as your first comment, though.

another beautiful ydi. what were you on during initial introductions? let alone getting to bf/gf... maybe you are pronouncing it wrong. lol

KylieG818 13

um..... what's this guys problem? it's your name, he must of been saying it wrong the entire time u two have been together!

ZynetriaJ13 0

wtf?! Really! Your boyfriend is seriously retarded!!

Kurochrome 17

Why is everyone blaming the bf? She obviously never corrected him before, and she decided to get bitchy when he 'corrected' her. It's her own fault for not noticing before.

Wait... What? WTF Ppl always say that to me, but breaking up over it!?