By Anonymous - 15/09/2018 14:30 - United States - Buffalo

Today, during a meeting with my boss, she explained she's giving me one more chance before she has to fire me. Her reason? I accidentally ordered chicken on a salad last week for a meeting and she feels my performance has gone down the tubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 845
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15

I could see this being a problem if you worked at PETA...


whiskey'swino 15

I could see this being a problem if you worked at PETA...

Well as a personal shopper, that’s your entire job.

Welcome to "right to work" states, where we can fire you for any reason we want!

Or for no reason. It’s better to fire people without cause, because there’s no chance of a wrongful termination lawsuit. Liberty and justice for all, ... right.

"I'm severely disappointed with your performances recently. I mean, ordering a chicken salad? What kind of savages do you think we are? We're a modern Fortune 500 company, which means our meals are to be meat-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free. I'm so outraged with your failures that I'm giving you one more chance to start doing your job right, or you're fired. Oh, and you're out of the company's WhatsApp group."