By ChrisC - 10/07/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, my boss came to my cubicle to give me my annual performance bonus. I was asleep at my desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 442
You deserved it 62 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What would suck more is if you were dreaming of getting the big bonus and woke up to a sticky-note on you forehead saying "YOU'RE FIRED!".


What would suck more is if you were dreaming of getting the big bonus and woke up to a sticky-note on you forehead saying "YOU'RE FIRED!".

ScoobyDoo22 0

haha now it look like i was da thrd coment. im

ScoobyDoo22 0

shut the fugg up you fuggin bich. im thrd, whyle ur fuggin forth. u say i fail, yet u r fuggin forth you fuggin bich.

Also, kudos on the incredibly accurate spelling. Your English teachers must be so proud.

fuggin? what a lovely manipulation of *******, you ******* loser....

wow. you do fail, idiot. you fail majorly at spelling and making any sense what so ever. dumbass.

YDI, never fall asleep at the desk. Chugging coffee till your eyes pop is preferable

kopei 0

Maybe next time you won't sleep at work. :/ I used to sleep at school, but no one noticed.

At least find somewhere more discreet to sleep....YDI

because just leaving his desk to go to the bathroom and sleep where no one would have found him or woken him up? yeah, that makes sense. Who knows, maybe this guy stayed up all night working on a project. There are too many unknowns for this FML to really make a whole lot of sense. I mean, maybe you have an excuse, maybe not, maybe your boss would care either way, or not. So idk if it's an FML or YDI. So i just wont' do either.

You're right, OP shouldn't be judged for falling asleep. **** it, if u gotta sleep, u gotta sleep

passion4soccer 0

thats what you get for sleeping during your job

rachiebpp 0

your smart to sleep, while your boss came in


The OP didn't know his boss was coming in, obviously. If he had, you can bet he wouldn't have been asleep.

Well if you had a good excuse to give to your boss - he'd understand. It's not like we're robots and don't need sleep. Maybe you have a sleep condition. He doesn't know, it'd be wrong to fire first and ask later.

tylenol123 0

i would fire immediatly. if my employee did that while i was PAYING them to work then id be mad

Blunt person 16