Territorial pissings

By Ribonuke211 - 12/08/2020 02:02

Today, I was menaced by a shirtless crackhead with an aluminum bat for, "parking in the wrong parking lot" - not parking spot, parking LOT - while delivering pizza to one of many nearby apartment buildings. I'm not allowed to carry a weapon to defend myself, unless I wanna shell out $75 for a Mag flashlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 388
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn’t happen to see the other pizza guy nearby? I think he was dealing with a Karen.

LadyRen 20

Unless that flashlight calls the cops and insta kills an attacker, $75 is crazy.


You didn’t happen to see the other pizza guy nearby? I think he was dealing with a Karen.

LadyRen 20

Unless that flashlight calls the cops and insta kills an attacker, $75 is crazy.

I think my mom had one of those. They're a bit heavy, really and could probably do a little damage to someone.

OH_HappyDays 14

I have one for my car. They weigh almost 2 pounds and will knock holes in stuff. There are also knock off brands that are the same and cheaper. On the plus side wasp spray is also great as you don't have to get close to what you are spraying. Or several people I know carry taser flashlights. They will also take a person down.

turnabouttrial 21

Anyone else concerned about how Richard Pencil is doing?

Marcella1016 31

Duuuude I was thinking the same thing. I’m used to seeing his comments first on everything. Hoping he didn’t catch coronavirus on one hand and on the other hand telling myself he probably made a new account so he can comment without people automatically downvoting him. Playing a game with myself trying to guess who he might be in this hypothetical scenario. Yes, I should probably get out a little more. Why do you ask?

Ambrily 27

Nah, I don't think he'd make another account. He's been around for so long and never seemed bothered by all the downvotes (actually, I'd say he usually seems pretty proud of all the hate he gets)... But hey, you can never know, maybe he just wants to troll everyone even more. Lately, I have to say I got a little taken aback by his serious answers, though. I hope he's OK.

it will be easy to identify him... Just look for the most asinine comment in the lineup.

Buy a bottle of Windex or something, and use it on him or anyone else from now on.

Just carry a pocket knife or mace and don't say anything.

What state are you in? Sorry to hear that you can't, however you made it out of there alive thus didn't need a gun. Get a darn Mag flashlight already...