By janice - 03/06/2011 23:23 - United States

Today, my boss called me to his office, and played back a recording of me telling a co-worker that if I still worked there in a year, I would hang myself. He then bitched me out for unprofessional conduct. The taped conversation took place over a year ago, with my recently ex-boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 661
You deserved it 7 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

briidontgive_ 0

he's telling you to hang yourself since you recorded that a year ago


wriptidez 0

sheesh your boss has no grace

Sounds like your boss is rather a jerk if he goes around accumulating dirt on you behind your back like that.

CaliGali 9

ydi for hating on the job that feeds u and pays your bills, don't be like that be thankful that u have one. another thing; don't trust anyone...

My boyfriend made me leave a comment saying you should sue the bastards.

ViciousFoxes 0

I guess the only thing left to do now is hang yourself.

For karma to take place OP must first die, contrary to popular belief karma takes place in the next life and not this one. Well that's what I have read at least, correct me if I'm wrong as I don't believe in it anyway.

lilmisslovely13 15

I don't really get this one.... Can someone please explain it to me?

nobody gets it.. we don't know who recorded the conversation or how the boss got it.. shouldn't have made it this far with out more info

Why is "it was over a year ago, to my ex-boyfriend?" important at all? It was unprofessional no matter when or to whom you said it to. As for everyone saying that's illegal, I'm pretty sure if it took place in the workplace it isn't. A lot of offices have policies to allow management to read e-mails and listen in on phone conversations.

Because it's a nice, juicy detail that tells us that OP's ex-boyfriend is so incredibly lame and childish.

@46: Who said the conversation took place at work? She could have vented to him at some point outside of the work place and he was lame enough to record it. Most people don't expect to be recorded when they vent to their loved ones.

Yes, because I'm sure you've never made a comment about something that's pissed you off at work/school/in general to a family member or loved one, how dare OP do so without expecting professional repercussions? It's idiots like you who make it so much easier for employers to feel entitled to dig around in our personal lives, things that are irrelevant to our jobs, or occur off the clock during our personal time. It is beyond absurd to expect someone to be so paranoid about their significant other recording them in an attempt to blackmail them down the road, that they censor every negative statement they've ever made in an attempt to be 'more professional.' Get a life.

P.S. It probably is illegal in some places. Most companies have official policies that allow them to monitor their employees, those policies specifically outline those methods, IE your phone conversations may be monitored and your internet usage may be monitored. Those policies generally don't include, 'your boyrfriend may be recording your conversations, for our personal use, to be used in the event that you dump him, in an attempt to get you fired.'