By OwieOwie - 29/10/2018 11:00 - United Kingdom - Tewkesbury

Today, my gallstones flared up so badly an ambulance was called. I needed the strongest painkillers they could supply and had even more at the hospital. When my boyfriend came to visit me, instead of comforting words, he told me that "being kicked in the balls is still worse". FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 071
You deserved it 306

Top comments

OP, did you then have him confirm that he's right (again)?

bluhbluhbluh 14

Great! you should prove him right then!


OP, did you then have him confirm that he's right (again)?

So what does you boyfriend do that he gets kicked in the balls? Hope you have a speedy recovery....

bluhbluhbluh 14

Great! you should prove him right then!

Say “Misery loves company” and bend his testicles like Beckham. Goooooooooaaalll!

The fact that men kick each other in the balls because they think it's funny proves it doesn't hurt much.

It really does, but there are things that cause worse pain, such as gallstones, and childbirth. Also, guys who willingly let themselves get hit in the nuts are idiots. It's pretty dangerous.

Alup132 22

Trust me, it hurts like hell, some guys just want to be sadists or something. Someone tossed an empty water bottle at my leg to mess me up yesterday when a couple of friends and I were playing video games in one of their dorms, and she missed and hit my crotch, right on my ballsack. Granted, it was light so it didn’t hurt for too long, but it’s still pretty painful for what any other area wouldn’t even feel pain. Now, if you’ve ever been kicked by mistake while playing sports, punched, etc. you can actually throw up, I’ve even heard of people passing out from it.

ohsnapword 21

I'm going to assume that getting hit in the balls hurts way more than childbirth. I know plenty of sane women who want to have multiple children. I've never met a man of sound mind who ever wanted to get hit in the balls.

ohsnapword - It's not even close. Childbirth is insanely painful without meds, but some women choose to do it that way.

Milou 5

Ohsnapword - it's almost like there's something to be gained by having children, as opposed to getting kicked in the genitals 🤔

ohsnapword 21

And just like a dick, you can't take a joke

Mungolikecandy 19

When you feel better give him a good kick in the balls.

As a man who's had both, I can say he is wrong.

Thank you for confirming my suspicion; I was just thinking that someone who has had both would be a good source on this.

mehimhere 11

ditch him.. kick him in the balls first... several times