By ovawerkrd - 16/01/2011 17:30 - United Kingdom

Today, I finished working a week's overtime managing admin, stock, finances, and three members of staff. I realised that despite all my extra work, I actually earn less per hour than the students who only work on the weekends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 972
You deserved it 2 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should speak to someone about your payment reflecting how much you work. If that doesn't work, start actively looking for a job that'll properly compensate you.

Have YOU realised that she's using the British way of spelling? Since she's, you know, in LONDON! If you were smarter I think you'd have kept your mouth shut.


Well I'm glad you achieved your life's dream and ambition. Oh, or NOT.

I can't believe that people are still doing this shit. Consider yourself lucky that you weren't actually first - Sirin would have forced you to give birth via anal delivery, or maybe you would have ended up with a gerbil-sized growth coming out of your ass. xD

percawesome 0

Someone care to explain to me why some consider being first (when they actually are that is) such an accomplishment?! Is it "hey, waddayaknow, no comments... first!" or more like "Here it is... I've waited hours for this new FML.... yoink! first!!!1"

_nathalia_ 0
_nathalia_ 0

At least you get money where most people don't.

That's nonsense. She is in the UK not the US, but that line isn't true in the US either. Even if it was: why should she be happy when she's being exploited in a recession? That makes no ******* sense.

yea op quit whining and find a better job if you don't like it

Narik, you're second, actually. Awww, tough luck :(

You should speak to someone about your payment reflecting how much you work. If that doesn't work, start actively looking for a job that'll properly compensate you.

perdix 29

Your negotiating skillz suck. Bosses love to underpay workaholic pushovers like you. They get bonuses for grinding down wusses like you. Be a mañ, Arthur Pewtey, and go demand a raise!! (or a pay cut for the students, heh-heh)

percawesome 0

Mañ?! I'm afraid I need that one explained, sir.

Try getting the student's job then. :)

007chucknorris00 1

dude that sux big time, is there a reason behind u earning less