By o.v. - 16/05/2011 16:04 - Bangladesh

Today, the pipe in the dining room sink suddenly broke open and in about 15 minutes my entire apartment was turned into an indoor swimming pool. The worst part? I was there the entire time, playing video games with my headphones on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 099
You deserved it 47 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put some water jets in your apartment and you got a giant Jacuzzi

yeah there is.. it's called Call of Duty..


jdeshnerx3 0

throw on a bathing suit and some floaties!!

jdeshnerx3 0

whatever on the thumbs down. that ***** funny get a sense of humor and pull that tree branch out of your brown eye!!

iAmScrubs 19

You are getting thumbs up, are you not?

jdeshnerx3 0

I wasn't lol I had like 4 down

jdeshnerx3 0

how would you like a thumb up your ass? and thanks for the suggestion.. I did. lol I've seen dumber ones

You don't need to start doing an angry dance for 4 thumbs down. There are people that thumb every comment down just to piss others off. It's fair to get angry once your comment has been hidden.

jdeshnerx3 0

I really was kidding but people take stuff WAY to seriously

JayBear14 11

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yeah there is.. it's called Call of Duty..

How is it stupidity? Are you saying you can't have headphones on, in case the pipe bursts? Who expects that to happen? You're an idiot!


He's stupid for wearing HEADPHONES? Yeah, who's stupid now?

141. I'm pretty sure you are... because most people were earphones, headphones, or a headset (not just for gaming) most likely you have as well to listen to music... so shut up thanks =)

JayBear14 11

No just stupid for not realizing theres a ton of water flooding his apartment...

You dont play games much do you? Not to much gets in the way of them

put some water jets in your apartment and you got a giant Jacuzzi

*glug glug* MUST. FINISH. ROUND...HEADSHOT YES! oh shit... goin down garblegarblegluglugluglug

hobojo11 0

Doubt that'd work unless waterproof console, controller and TV cases

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They might actually have a job you know. A lot of people play games as downtime after work

Sulphuric_Glue 16

I ****** hate people who say all people who play games have no life and no friends. Sure, we might never have physically met our friends, but you don't need to do that to make friends with someone. And it's been scientifically proven that gamers have better reflexes and (although more research is needed on this) make better pilots and drivers, and even sailors.

Sulphuric_Glue 16

Games also teach you a lot about history, geography, and general life lessons. You ever played a Paradox Grand Strategy game? I play the damn things so much that I know where the majority of countries are in the world, their geography their religions, their history, etc. From modded Mount & Blade I learned about Mediaeval warfare and weaponry. From Total War I learned about strategic thinking and battle tactics. I can name many more, but I frankly can't be ****** because there are so many.

iAmScrubs 19

Well you might as well use the pool. Go get your bathing suit and start swimming.

TabzTheLoserKidd 4

well you should swim and maybe while your home, play your games outloud... it's a lot more fun that way!

"i'm swimming in the game. and for some reason i actually feel like im sitting in water. this is awesome!"

strizz18 0