By bad birthdays - 16/08/2014 05:09 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, it's my birthday. When I asked my mom if we were gonna do anything special for my birthday. She said, "Don't lie to me. It's not your birthday." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 015
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's really sad, sorry OP :( hopefully it's just a joke to maybe throw you off from something they have planned...?

How the hell can somebody click you deserve this smh


That's really sad, sorry OP :( hopefully it's just a joke to maybe throw you off from something they have planned...?

Kyle1dc 17

I agree with #31, from FML to you we say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY OP!!! Now where's the cake?

Maybr she lied to you abouut your birthday when you were a kid. Happy birthday tho

lol, OP posts another FML the next day. "Today, I saw that my FML was published. My mom actually had a surprise planned for me, but I had already submitted the FML. My mom saw it, and now hates me. FML"

36-The cake is a lie. Perhaps that's why OP's mom thought he was lying? She got her internet and life mixed up? (Pulling at straws....I'm so going to get the short one...)

Happy birthday OP. If we could send you a huge cake, we all would. Just know that your birthday would never be disregarded in our lives! You matter to all of us! Hugs!

Get out there and make your own fun! Can't drag your poor mother out for fun all the time, after all.

She never said she wanted to "drag her poor mother out". I'm 20 but I still enjoy going out for a casual birthday dinner with my family, I'd be upset if they forgot as well.

Not only forgetting, even telling OP to "stop lying". That's something that can leave a long lasting emotional scar. Nothing hurts like rejection.

How the hell can somebody click you deserve this smh

I guess that was the mother of OP herself to click YDI

Because the internet is dark and full of trolls.

By hovering over the YDI button and clicking, duh

I accidentally click that sometimes when scrolling


You'd think she of all people would remember the day she painfully squeezed you out of her own body.

Exactly, I bet she has something planned behind OP's back...

ber4fun 23

Hopefully she actually forgot and isn't saying that just to avoid doing anything special for you.

and the mother of the year award goes to... not your mom

Oh you know why you put a question mark there ;) Because we all know that award goes to my mom!

See, if that were me, I'd think I was finally getting that surprise birthday party I've always wanted. The day's not over yet, OP! ...Or is it? When did you submit this?

Unfortunately it doesn't take a certain IQ level to procreate :/

Now there's an idea. Rip out the reproductive organs of those who don't meet the IQ criteria.

tony1891 22

well happy birthday to you anyway op

Happy, happy birthday From FML to you We wish it was our birthday, so we could party t.. ohh.. right.

Just go out till you feel like coming home. When your mom tries to tell at you for coming in past curfew say, "Don't lie to me that's not my curfew."