By jimmyt420 - 29/11/2009 09:33 - United States

Today, me and my girlfriend went and saw "The Blind Side." I sobbed throughout the entire movie. My girlfriend didn't shed a tear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 565
You deserved it 16 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crzyry 6

There's nothing wrong with that. That movie was amazing. I didn't cry watching but it was still good.

a tear drop is cute, sobbing- thats a no no


Prawn_fml 2

Not an FML, surely. Unless she is a total freak and dumped you over it or something. In which case you're better off without.

DBkkk 0

I've never cried at a movie. Trust me I want to but it just never happens

I almost cried at the end of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, but I didn't, because I'm not a fag. Even if I was, I would be the pitcher.

Don't lie, we all know you take it in the chilli ring

wolfpep 0

Im a stupid bitchy woman and I have only cried once in a movie, Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium, because I really couldn't keep up. Girls calling this guy gay = Ignorant, Shallow, Conformist? Guys calling this guy gay = Insecure, Hiding Something, Homophobic or just a plain dick. Yes all you bright bulbs it has occured to us that people might consider this to be soft, but honestly I'd rather sit next to him in a movie theatre blubbering on the whole way than to you idiots vomitting out every sceptical observation you make.

After reading your filibuster of bullshit, I would like to point out that only the first five words of your comment were correct.

I saw that movie it was really good...good choice buddy!!! Bad choice to cry though.

I thought it was a great movie...I don't understand the crying at the was uplifting, not sad.

my friends draged me to see that sucked so much when ever they came to "the funny parts" that my friends thought were funny made me really mad. I'm a funny guy and I don't find not ever having your own bed ever funny

Where's the Who Cares button? Honestly, I don't get why this is an FML. Are guys not allowed to cry during movies, and are girls required to? No. My fiancé is more likely to cry during movies than I am. It's just the way our personalities are. He's more open about his emotions than I am. Unless your gf is a big enough bitch to even care about this, it's not an FML.

why did you cry during the blind side? it wasn't sad at all.

why did you cry during the blind side? it wasn't sad at all.