By jimmyt420 - 29/11/2009 09:33 - United States

Today, me and my girlfriend went and saw "The Blind Side." I sobbed throughout the entire movie. My girlfriend didn't shed a tear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 565
You deserved it 16 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crzyry 6

There's nothing wrong with that. That movie was amazing. I didn't cry watching but it was still good.

a tear drop is cute, sobbing- thats a no no


There is nothing wrong with crying! People react different to certain things, so unless your girlfriend is insensitive, I don't think she will be embarrassed or anything of that sort by you. She will probably tease you, but hey, everyone teases each other and don't take too the heart, okay? (:

jw90 18

I don't feel sorry for you OP. try getting called a heartless asshole cuz u didn't cry during the passion of Christ. I'm sure I wasn't the only one...

my girlfriend and I, not me and my girlfriend

LonelyLoser93 3

And you are an "A class" asshole.

Mikki_Mik 0

HAHAH!!! that's honestly pretty cute, lol but i can see how that could be real embarrssing being ur the "man and shouldn't being crying, but hey it shows character.. aha that moment should be a f my moments.. not f my life.. yah feel mee? lol

I cried in adam sandlers movie about the remote thing.

UrBadRomance 0

i didnt cry at the Adam Sandler movie "Click", but I thought it was very sad.

lonewolf2701 0

i say all of you are insecure about yourselves.....

#97 wow that's funny it's not sopost to be sad!!!

sarcdude 3