By jimmyt420 - 29/11/2009 09:33 - United States

Today, me and my girlfriend went and saw "The Blind Side." I sobbed throughout the entire movie. My girlfriend didn't shed a tear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 565
You deserved it 16 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crzyry 6

There's nothing wrong with that. That movie was amazing. I didn't cry watching but it was still good.

a tear drop is cute, sobbing- thats a no no


mmmyeahsaraa 0

chelsee u cried during the terminal? lol that was boring. I just cried last night to my sisters keeper.

You have three problems dear OP and they are grammer, capatilization and extreme softness! Haha jk I cried to what a sad movie :(((

For someone who clearly hasn't quite grasped the subtleties of the english language (grammer? capatilization?) you sure talk too much...

#32 -- Which means that your problem is spelling? If you're going to correct another person's grammAr, make sure that your spelling is correct. Since I've corrected another post, my post will be doomed to have an error. D: Oh, well.

I like seeing men cry. Sensitivity is hot. I think most women like humans, not robots with cocks :)

Yatta_fml 0

I've never all out cried for any movie... Only reared up a few times, like for Gladiator. Just this summer when I saw My Sisters Keeper, people were sobbing and all I was doing was thinking "geez, could they be TRYING to make you cry more than this?" The whole set up just made me think about how much I hate movies that try and illicit tears like that. Anyway - if you did cry, well, good for you... What's wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with crying! Those are old Victorian BS rules that women are weak and emotional and men are sttoic boxers! Cry if ya wanna its a democracy GEEZ!

IMB916 0

I like a man who's not afraid to cry ;)