Constructive criticism

By Anonymous - 26/03/2020 08:02

Today, I had just finished a really intense workout in my garage gym. It was chilly outside, but I crossed the road home in my shorts, as I was still pretty hot and sweaty. A woman walked by and asked, "Aren't you cold, you skinny little whore?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 037
You deserved it 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

I would’ve responded, “nope I’m good, you fat cow.”

did you point and say its actually gym sweat you dumb bitch


ojoRojo 27

I would’ve responded, “nope I’m good, you fat cow.”

"You've got to accentuate the positive (skinny), Eliminate the negative (*****)..." Even then, you can spin "*****" into a compliment -- she's essentially saying you're so attractive, you can sell sex instead of futilely attempting to give it away. Keep up the good work, you emaciated prostitute!

did you point and say its actually gym sweat you dumb bitch

Obviously not a military town. Would’ve yelled “Get Some!”

Cough on her. Sneeze on her. Tell her "I was working out you dumb bitch"

Itsheragain 9

my response. " your husband can warm me up tho"

WistayShlaio82 13

You should have said “nope, your husband and your brother just gave me a really great work out in my living room”