By jaymaag25 - 20/10/2016 06:28 - United States - Saint Joseph

Today, it seems like everyone in my family knew about my boyfriend's new engagement, all except me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 186
You deserved it 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

So two possibilities, 1. He told them about his and your engagement which obviously you know nothing about. 2. That he's now engaged to someone else while apparently he's still your boyfriend. Enlighten us.

Oh boy. Bring it up nonchalantly and watch the colour drain from his face, then drop him like he's on fire and run for the hills. Of course you didn't need someone to tell you that last part though; best of luck.


Oh boy. Bring it up nonchalantly and watch the colour drain from his face, then drop him like he's on fire and run for the hills. Of course you didn't need someone to tell you that last part though; best of luck.

Is he still your boyfriend? He might want to keep you on the side.

It feels so good to go way below -10. People see your comment has been voted down, decide they need to look at it like they would a car crash, and then pile on the hate.

We all know it's you, Stormfront. You can stop pretending.

Not many people want to be the person on the side. Cheating is bad.

So many questions. Please follow up, OP. Because it's shitty if your family knew about this other girl and continued to let you see this guy and not say anything. Unless you meant to say ex-boyfriend, in which case they might have been guarding your feelings. I don't know. I want to hear the whole story.

I agree and don't understand why the family would keep letting her date him and not say anything to her.

Also - did the family know OP was still with him? Might be that they heard about the engagement and assumed they had broken up, but OP didn't want to talk about it?

Yeah yeah. And then the comment directly below makes a good point too. This could go so many ways, it's hard to make assumptions.

species4872 19

So two possibilities, 1. He told them about his and your engagement which obviously you know nothing about. 2. That he's now engaged to someone else while apparently he's still your boyfriend. Enlighten us.

One possibility is that he asked OP's father for permission and then OP's dad blabbed it to everyone. So let's not assume the guy is a dick. Even if he might be living in the 1950's.

I was thinking the same thing. He might also have gone to a sister or something for advice (ie: what type of rings she likes, her dream proposal, etc) or maybe wanted to do some elaborate proposal that would require the family being in on it. A follow-up would be lovely.

I doubt it, the FML says her boyfriend's engagement, not hers. It seems like a weird way to word it for your suggestion.

Yes that's a possibility. That sort of happened to me. My husband asked my father for his blessing, and then my father and brother congratulated me on my engagement before he got around to proposing. It wasn't that big a spoiler because marriage was something we'd discussed so I knew it was going to happen anyway and he didn't actually propose until several months later so I was so surprised, but my dad and brother were still embarrassed when I said, "Congratulations? What for?"

I'm going to guess that she meant the guy is engaged to someone else and somehow her family found out and didn't tell her, maybe because women don't always take the news well that their significant other is cheating on them (or maybe in OP's case that she's the side piece). But do clarify for us, OP.

It probably wouldn't have made FML status if it was her engagement though. Unless she didn't want to stay with him which wasn't implied at all

MiraRose 19

Hey, in this day and age, it still shows a huge amount of respect for the family if a guy does this.

This needs context!! Did he cheat on you? Or did he just tell your whole family you were engaged without asking you?

Redgy22 26

I wonder if the new fiancee knows about YOU. I'd make sure to introduce myself immediately.

Your family knew your boyfriend was engaged and nobody told you? Great family dynamics you have here OP.

I hate that unclear FMLs like this are approved and my clear ones aren't. FML