Really close

By Anonymous - 15/06/2020 20:08

Today, my sister made her engagement official on Facebook. When I shared the post to spread the word, people didn't read her boyfriend's name, and I started getting questions on why my sister and I were getting married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 542
You deserved it 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I just wanna know how they came to that conclusion. Also, insert compulsory Sweet Home Alabama meme here.

ojoRojo 27

Why would people assume that?


I just wanna know how they came to that conclusion. Also, insert compulsory Sweet Home Alabama meme here.

That's just great! Congrats! Why shouldn't sisters be able to marry? There's no way they can have a biological child, so what's the problem?

To make something official on facebook....that's where it goes wrong in the first place.

ojoRojo 27

Why would people assume that?

If this is the most messed up thing in your life, I'd say you're doing pretty good. People are just that stupid, unfortunately.