By Anonymous - 16/08/2014 04:30 - United States - Olney

Today, my car got towed. My money is in my car and they won't let me open my car to get money until my car is "released". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 234
You deserved it 5 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh that sucks. Kinda stupid that they won't even let you get your money out. I guess you can get the money of someone and then pay them back.

Sounds like you're in a pickle OP. Maybe borrow some money from someone?


Sounds like you're in a pickle OP. Maybe borrow some money from someone?

yeah but surely all your money isn't in your wallet?

All my money isn't in my wallet, but I can't access it without my wallet. My bank is strictly online--no physical branches. That means I can't just walk into the bank and pull out some cash with a withdrawal slip. I can only get cash with my debit card. If I couldn't get to my wallet, I'd be screwed. Perhaps OP also has a strictly online bank.

I'm hoping OP didn't tell them if it's cash, some of the less reputable tow companies will take the cash out of the car and act like nothing happened, and you can't prove they did.

Oh that sucks. Kinda stupid that they won't even let you get your money out. I guess you can get the money of someone and then pay them back.

Bobby319 24

No it's not, the car is in their custody, it's protocol to lot let them in their car so that they don't try to just leave in it, or attempt to damage it, and then sue the company saying they damaged it( I know it's sounds crazy but it happens)

Now that's what you call bad luck! Hopefully you found a way to get into your car op.

Hmmm, you shouldn't have been parked illegally, OP. Perhaps it was out of your control?

Never leave your (I'm assuming you mean wallet by money) wallet in your car. NEVER case closed.

daydreamer244 13

Hopefully your money is still in your car after it's "released".

Get money from a family member to release the car and then pay them back once you've got access to your own money?

tony1891 22

didnt think they could refuse you access to your personal items. I'd be finding out what your state laws are on repossessions.

Completely agree. They repossessed your car not your money.

The car wasn't necessarily repossessed-- it could have been towed because OP parked it illegally or OP had tickets or other legal issues. If that's the case, then it is just being held at an impound lot, not taken possession of by a bank or someone else.

TahoeFMler 22