By reallyman__639 - 13/12/2011 12:26 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend took me to dinner and near the end, he pulled out a long, rectangular box. Thinking it was a necklace, I got very excited. It was a wand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 556
You deserved it 17 501

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Maybe for Christmas he'll get you a broom, you materialistic rhymes-with-witch!

What a magical night. I'm totes jelly.

roonilwazlib 1

If she doesn't like HP then why would he get her a wand? You should get stuff you like on your birthday. Oh, and #51: I'm 21 and would love to get a wand, or anything HP related, as a gift...

You got a gift that you did nothing in particular to earn, and it wasn't what you thought it was. FYL

guckylynn 19

A gift is called a gift for a reason. You don't "earn" them.

Oh please, I'm half asleep and even I can tell that's sarcasm.

They're obviously under the Confundus charm. I can't think of any other reason to explain their lack of intelligence.

bubo_fml 10

If you play your cards right, you'll get 2 wands on your birthday...One from Ollivander's & one from your putz of a boyfriend...Happy B-day!

guckylynn 19

You should've written mous because mice just makes me think of the animal. In any case, it makes me think of nuclear mice and that does not sound like a good thing.

Hermione? I had no idea you trolled FML. In any case Hagrid is the one with the nuclear mice and Ron told me to spell it that way. Hmm... The clues are coming together, go get Harry.

harry potter fiend? or does he have a fettish or something?

Oooh! Is it the one that's like a remote for your tv and it changes channels when you wave it? That would be good.