Sticky situation

By Anonymous - 19/01/2021 05:02

Today, my boss keeps pointing out similarities between his wife and me. I genuinely dislike her, and have feelings for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 383
You deserved it 1 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, him comparing you to his wife is a bit creepy and unprofessional. Also, you not keeping your feelings in check is also unprofessional. Any relationship is likely to ruin both your lives and get him fired and maybe you too. Get yourself together woman!

flagbitch 8

Yep, you and boss have a creepy relationship. I bet the wife kicks both your asses. Karma demands it.


I mean, him comparing you to his wife is a bit creepy and unprofessional. Also, you not keeping your feelings in check is also unprofessional. Any relationship is likely to ruin both your lives and get him fired and maybe you too. Get yourself together woman!

flagbitch 8

Yep, you and boss have a creepy relationship. I bet the wife kicks both your asses. Karma demands it.

OrySoma 11

If she genuinely dislikes you, and still loves him, you're definitely similar. Also, start looking for a new job. This one might break you.