By Anonymous - 18/03/2017 03:00 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, it's my first day at my new job. Unfortunately, I have a very bad cold. When my boss leaned in to show me something on the computer, I sneezed all over him. A hell of a first impression. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 485
You deserved it 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments


There is no excuse for sneezing on someone else- You know it's going to happen so cover your mouth. If you don't have a hanky or don't want to sneeze into your hand or sleeve, pull your shirt up around your face or do it into your jacket.



There is no excuse for sneezing on someone else- You know it's going to happen so cover your mouth. If you don't have a hanky or don't want to sneeze into your hand or sleeve, pull your shirt up around your face or do it into your jacket.

species4872 19

Apparently you have never suffered from an immediate, uncontrolled sneeze. Not all sneezes have a build up.

tantanpanda 26

That's just an excuse. You can't sneeze without inhalation of air. That still gives you time to sneeze downwards or into your shirt. It's a YDI and I'd be pretty irritated if I were the boss.

GofuckY0urSe1f 2

hey at least your boss didn't walk in on you jerking off in a bathroom stall while you were on break

GofuckY0urSe1f 2

he just said: do it at home and not here. now get back to work and dont let me see you doing it again' so i just pulled up my pants and walked back to my desk and we never made eye contact for 2 weeks

Count your blessings. Our pup was doing that but she wasn't so lucky. Turns out she had cancer and she died a few months later.

Reminds me of the time I had a cold and leaned over to look at something my professor was showing us and my nose uncontrollably leaked onto his papers.