By ScrewedOver - 02/01/2010 00:09 - United States

Today, is January 1st. Last night, I threw a party. Only 3 people came. Luckily, one of the people who came was the love of my life, I had been hoping to get a midnight kiss from him. Unluckly, he decided to get back with his ex-girlfriend. At my party. They were liplocked almost the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 268
You deserved it 4 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you "loved" him, then you shoudl've told him. (Although I doubt it was love, I'm thinking it was more of an ongoing crush) "Today, the guy I 'love' got back together with his ex because I didn't tell him how I feel. FML" Your life is not ******.

This guy wasn't stupid. He knew what he wanted and he got it. "Stupid" would be spending a lot of time and effort to plan a party, inviting someone who you think is the "love of your life", and just hoping that he'll fall madly in love with you for no particular reason. In other words, stupid is believing that fairy tales are documentaries.


They actually stayed at your suck as party?!

And you thought inviting both your crush and his ex was a good idea? seriously.. you're an idiot..

My head hurts from trying to decipher what you just said. Use your English.

3 people at your party? You must suck as a friend and I'm surprised that many people showed up. I'm just sayin'...

itspimpz 0

guys arnt stupid -_- I'm a guy, thankya very much, infact you should chalk 1 more point for males just because he had this poor girl thinking he was the love of her life... and honestly she was asking for trouble if she invited his ex.. did she want her to be jelous or something? and what about the third person shuda made out with him/her and felt up on his/her penis/****** making the "love of your life" rethink the situation.

Does this guy KNOW he's the "love of your life"? I can only imagine that you are in middle school, so I'll try not to be too harsh. I promise you that this guy will not be the love of your life. Before long this "FML" moment won't even matter, and when you're an adult you probably won't even remember. I'm assuming if you invited the guy's ex-girlfriend, she's a friend of yours. She clearly still has feelings for the guy if they got back together, so you would have been a crummy friend to have gotten together with her ex. And if they were making out the whole time, you should have suggested that all of you play a game or something. Or jokingly mention it ("Hey, are you guys gonna come up for air any time soon?"), and it would probably bring them back to reality. Yeah, it sucks that 2/3 of your guests were kissing the whole time, but if it bothered you so much you should have said something.

kiah101 0

well, whose stupid enuf to invite da ex and invite the so calld "love of ur life"....y wud u do dat?...i mean if he started makin out with his ex...u shudve just gone with the other person...hav fun...i bet he waz just havin fun..i meanda first day of the year cmon...i wudve dun the same thing...o wait...i did and i had a bf but he didnt come 2 the party soo..o well

SweetestSin 4

parties are usually attended by those who are invited, why would you invite the guy whom you think is the love of your life and his ex to the same party? Trust me you will find another love of your life, and if he is THAT important to you, then speak up and say something!

No, I second C4R0L1N3 on this one. You should really revisit English class.