By dangerousknitter - 08/10/2009 00:38 - United States

Today, in the middle of an exam, I was escorted out by the campus police due to suspicion of a concealed weapon. The officers couldn't stop laughing for 20 minutes when they found out the weapon was metal knitting needles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 317
You deserved it 3 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

- Quilting isn't knitting. That's like telling someone to drill a hole with a welding torch. - You can knit while between classes, or waiting for a class to start, or riding a public bus to campus. - The only time you shouldn't have knitting needles is when you have your crochet hook.

Well it's a good excuse for cheating "Are you looking off someones paper?". "Why no I'm just finnishing this quilt and there are two big convienient holes in it."


Haha knittas in the house! I've never had this happen but work at an LYS and have heard many a horror story about knitting needles and planes...

Yeah, my mom got held up from a flight because some crazy chinese lady was trying to steal her knitting needles. /not even joking.

well... they could have put someone's eyes out...

Sun_Kissed18 25

Or, ya know, stab someone... o.O

Firestar1202 0

YDI for tying to kill people with knitting needles.

djqlue 0

WTF were you doing with knitting needles in the middle of an exam anyway?? That was dumb of you

There is no situation I can think of in which knitting needles should not be on your person.

Dude, I have knitting needles with me at all times. I knit on the bus, I knit on my break at work, I knit at restaurants... muggles (that's non-knitters to you) just don't get it.

Well it's a good excuse for cheating "Are you looking off someones paper?". "Why no I'm just finnishing this quilt and there are two big convienient holes in it."

- Quilting isn't knitting. That's like telling someone to drill a hole with a welding torch. - You can knit while between classes, or waiting for a class to start, or riding a public bus to campus. - The only time you shouldn't have knitting needles is when you have your crochet hook.

Fa sho. Knitting is the new black, yo. Everyone's wearing it ;D

RubixMonkey 0

That must be awkward for you to be wearing someone knitting

ahaha for real. love crocheting, but i don't bring my hooks to school, exactly for that reason.

once i almost got into serious troubels for picking up a kitchen knife that cant cut shit in my school,if i would of got in troubels for that its could be the most fuckt up day ever

What did that have to do with anything? Also learn2english.

hobopatz 0

hahaha great. i wonder what idiot reported you?

Well you can seriously hurt someone with those if you want. Then again you can easily do it with a sharp pencil too.

i know right a pencil is more dangerous than a knitting needle in my opinion back in 5th grade i was sitting in class when this girl got up to sharpen her pencil going back to her seat she plunged it into my arm wtf? i barely knew her, not like i did anything to deserve it. the tip broke off inside my arm ;.; the lead of the pencil left a permanment mark that i still have 10+ years later

Darling_Cherry 5

That'll teach you to be a hipster doofus.