By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 20:13 - Belgium

Today, in high school, we had a presentation about sex, condoms, etc. After a while, the lady explained that we should get to know our sexual organs better. "For example, my daughter looks at her vagina in front of a mirror to check it out." I’m her daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 486
You deserved it 6 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is horrifying. Parents seem to lose all social skill when it comes to their children's lives.


Ouch! That's way too personal to say in a room full of your classmates. Maybe you can pass it off as just a part of your moms act and that you don't do it?

fthku 13

You're aware it's highschool, right? :3


So the OP's nether region is so terrifying it would turn a person to stone without a mirror?

Medusa ******. To go with ****** Dentata. And having a Crotch Anaconda.

sparta98 4

@62 In the words of the Governator, "You should go clone yourself."

varkey 7

Your globe just has the shape of the US, Canada and Mexico, and a heck of a lot of blue, doesn't it? It's European. We have our own holidays. If you buy a new world map, then look to the right of the US. It's that big lump of green on the top half. Please can the geocentricism, kthnxbai. Also, there could be a delay between posting and display on the site.

moreover ,the VDM is translated , normally , it was on a french website . And , In france , the day is not a bank holiday , but we adore Martin luther king ;-). (sorry , my english is very bad , but I want to progress) .