Time marches on

By Anonymous - 05/01/2021 00:58 - Canada - Brandon

Today, after looking back at our high school photos, I told my fiancée I’ve been scared lately that I’m getting uglier with age, and that I was much prettier back then. He got really quiet, and then agreed with me.. I’m only 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 825
You deserved it 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don’t ask questions that you don’t want an honest answer to. You cannot have both an honest relationship and someone who always tells you the lie you want to hear. Honesty is far better than a lie. OP’s problem isn’t her fiancé, it’s her self image and how she takes care of herself. Those things are up to her. OP, if you don’t like what you see in the mirror and you are still in your 20’s it’s not impossible to fix the problems. Identify what the major issues are and work on self improvement. Do it for yourself. Maybe it’s as simple as just style and makeup and a smile and with the pandemic going on you haven’t been dressing up like you used to. Maybe it’s muscle tone or weight - That can be improved with the appropriate effort. Maybe it’s complexion - A dermatologist could help. Whatever it is that you are unhappy about could likely be improved with a sincere effort.

You'd better get that ring before you become The Cryptkeeper. At your rate, that could be age 27 or so.


Your fiancé sounds real mature. I worry that his put downs will become a trend in your marriage. If he doesn't fully appreciate you, he can leave. By the way, he is definitely wrong.

You'd better get that ring before you become The Cryptkeeper. At your rate, that could be age 27 or so.

Don’t ask questions that you don’t want an honest answer to. You cannot have both an honest relationship and someone who always tells you the lie you want to hear. Honesty is far better than a lie. OP’s problem isn’t her fiancé, it’s her self image and how she takes care of herself. Those things are up to her. OP, if you don’t like what you see in the mirror and you are still in your 20’s it’s not impossible to fix the problems. Identify what the major issues are and work on self improvement. Do it for yourself. Maybe it’s as simple as just style and makeup and a smile and with the pandemic going on you haven’t been dressing up like you used to. Maybe it’s muscle tone or weight - That can be improved with the appropriate effort. Maybe it’s complexion - A dermatologist could help. Whatever it is that you are unhappy about could likely be improved with a sincere effort.

sarahcroy20 12

With age? Looked prettier back then? You're only 24.