Oh no…

By Oh... - 26/07/2019 16:00 - Australia

Today, my grandma drove me home from school early because I was sick. I went upstairs and heard my parents having sex. Embarrassed, I ran downstairs and was about to leave the house when I saw a car pull into the driveway. It was my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 946
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don’t leave us hanging! What happened when dad met the side guy? This ought to be good!


Was it your mother? Or may be someone broke into your house and had sex?

A lot more information than you really needed I guess...

Don’t leave us hanging! What happened when dad met the side guy? This ought to be good!

LostSoul 19

I hope your dad gave the other guy a few good punches to the face.

HokieJ 10

But what if the new "dad" might just actually be his biological father??

404wan 19

Didn't i see almost the same FML a short while ago?