By kel - 10/02/2010 17:34 - United States

Today, in between the passing times at school, one of my classmates opened the door to my next class, so I turned to tell him thank you. Apparently, he was opening it for the teacher who was leaving. I collided with her and her very hot cup of coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 689
You deserved it 4 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

I've always wanted to say this: You just got BURNED :]

Sounds like that scene in Mean Girls where Cady walks into Miss Norbury on her first day at school. Hilarious. "Maybe we can discuss this another time. When my shirt isn't see-through."


I love the ******* einsteins saying "you should watch where your going"

RedMercury28 0

passing time could mean the time between classes obviously

Sonfang 19

Maybe you should look before you go through a door and make sure someone else isn't coming thru it...not everyone holding a door is holding it for you. pay attention :) sorry about the coffee bath though, that sucks! If you got burned too badly I'd suggest aloe based lotion.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

I've always wanted to say this: You just got BURNED :]

Ajjas013 6

Actually Tara, the correct phrase is: You just got HOT COFFEED!

Ajjas013 6

Stupid comments are all buggy again :(

Ajjas013 6

Stupid comments are all buggy again :(

Ajjas013 6

Actually Tara, the correct phrase is: You just got HOT COFFEED!!!

Ajjas013 6

Nah you liked mine better. Don't lie ;-)

Ajjas013 6

You spelled grammar wrong :) See? Anyone can be a grammar ***** like snickers!

Ajjas013 6

Ugh stupid bug causes me to reply to the wrong comments...

Ajjas013 6

You spelled grammar wrong :) See? Anyone can be a grammar ***** like snickers!

Ajjas013 6
cowgod 0

dam it I don't have toilet paper

AngryNinja 1

she'd be lying if she said she was lying about liking mermaid's better. ^.^

u guys comment way to much on this site My life be like ohhh ahhh Grits. feat (TobyMac)

Yeah, YDI for not paying attention to where you're walking. Assuming the coffee got on your teacher too, she also deserved it =P Even if it was around a corner, it still could have been preventable...

wtf why is your name qwerty? n to the OP fyl tht must hurt u shud b careful next time

WhatANoob 0

Wow. #51, why complain about his username? Qwerty isthe name of the keyboard. Also, learn to spell

I could of sworn I saw that happening this morning.

What if I wanted to use bad grammer? I mean, if you think about it, its fun to write things all jibbled and jackeddd! (: