By immature - 18/09/2014 19:20 - United Kingdom - Reading

Today, in astronomy class, a kid used Uranus in a hilarious innuendo. I was the only one who laughed. I also happen to be the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 922
You deserved it 6 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No-- it would be 'your anus'. Possessive pronouns still exist in space.


The kid probably just thinks you're that little bit cooler now. Plus at least somebody laughed at his joke.

Me too. My one teacher hated when the class cracked up while she taught about "Idaho". How could we help to not laugh when she mentioned that state?

be_cre8tive2030 13

have them watch an episode of big bang theory

whatz_going_on 24

Why? As punishment for not laughing at the joke? Torturing the students is a bit too extreme imo.

Murfeman 5

The only thing hilarious about The Big Bang Theory is that people like it

martin8337 35

The person that named the planet Uranus must have had a twisted sense of humor.

23lf 16

They weren't even speaking modern English when they named it....

Uranus, like most planets, was named for a character from Greek/Roman mythology. Uranus was the Sky Lord who mated with Gaia (Earth) and fathered Saturn. Saturn was father to Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth), Neptune, and Pluto. Notice a pattern in the naming?

Don't worth about it...everyone has made fun of that planet sometime before

It's ok op, I would probably laugh at Uranus too