By immature - 18/09/2014 19:20 - United Kingdom - Reading

Today, in astronomy class, a kid used Uranus in a hilarious innuendo. I was the only one who laughed. I also happen to be the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 922
You deserved it 6 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No-- it would be 'your anus'. Possessive pronouns still exist in space.


Try not to stress on it. If something is really funny, it is hard not to laugh.

"Uranus" will never stop being funny, don't worry about it. My astronomy teacher insisted on pronouncing it "oo-RAH-noss" which only served to draw attention to it.

RedPillSucks 31
RedPillSucks 31

At least we have potatoes :P When you live in the state, it gets kind of hard to laugh at it when it's mentioned

It's funny because here in Idaho nobody gives a shit about the joke anymore since it is so overused.

please woman, if it was funny laugh! who cares. it probably cheered some kids up anyway.

I feel more sorry for the other students. F their lives if they don't find it funny. If you've studied and taught astronomy and STILL find it funny then that's just proof that it never stops being funny and they're just lame. Stay awesome OP!

At least you're not like all of the other anal teachers out there.