
By Anonymous - 19/09/2019 18:00

Today, while rushing upstairs to have sex, I tripped on the stairs and rammed my naked boner into the edge of the step. All my wife could do is laugh at me. Now it even hurts to pee or put my trousers on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 130
You deserved it 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to get that checked out if it continues to hurt!

Why would you be in such a rush to have sex with your wife? One benefit of marriage is that it allows you to take your time to have sex safely.


Why would you be in such a rush to have sex with your wife? One benefit of marriage is that it allows you to take your time to have sex safely.

And sometimes you're not even the only one in the room, too....

You might want to get that checked out if it continues to hurt!

If you’re already naked, why did you feel the need to rush to the bedroom? Why didn’t you just do it where you were? Or not get naked until the bedroom?

Those things cause more problems. Both boners and stairs.

Keep it in your pants next time! At least until you get to the bedroom.

rpy13 11

FYL for using the word “trousers”.