By yeah hun i think insects arent animals too - 09/10/2013 07:51 - Germany - Leipzig

Today, I yet again had to pretend to be a dumb bimbo so that my boyfriend wouldn't get upset over the fact that, in some cases, I might be smarter than him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 611
You deserved it 23 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why degrade yourself OP? Intelligence is sexy.

Tell him to just deal with it, don't pretend to be dumb.


sandy105 3

Oh, the fragile male ego getting bruised so easily-imagine us women were the same..*_*

Don't play dumb. If he can't handle it then dump him. You shouldn't have to compromise who you are for the happiness of a guy.

Shandra78 9

This is why I don't bother dating. I'd have to find a guy smarter than I am, since I don't bother hiding it. Men are so insecure, it's pathetic.

Shandra78 9

Life is too short to date dumb guys. You can do better.

dumb him. you do not need to be one some one who is intimidated by smart women...

pretending? doesn't sound like you need to "pretend" all that much! acting stupid because it's what's expected of you makes you a complete effing moron. you are exactly the reason why men will always think women are dumb. let me guess, you're a blonde?

aaaannnd THIS is why men will continue to treat us like bimbos....

Seems like a pretty stupid thing to do from a supposedly smart woman. If he can't handle an intelligent woman, perhaps he should find a dumb one. No sense in degrading yourself and dumbing yourself down.

Dear god that's horrible! Do you know he'd react badly or are you just worried he would? Whatever the situation is personally I'd be overjoyed to be with a girl as intelligent as or more intelligent than me! The brighter she is, the more you can learn from her and the easier the communication between you will be. Anyway you shouldn't be reduced into doing that dear, if he's a twit and you're bright, then you can do better, especially if he's got a nasty attitude.

Solution: Dump him and don't date an idiot. Clearly you need to heighten your standards.