By madi - 15/04/2011 19:13 - United States

Today, I woke up with my eye swollen half shut. To spare the embarrassment, I asked my mom if I could stay home from school. She said no, but also attempted to make me feel better by saying that with my eye, my acne was unnoticeable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 801
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

use an eye patch :D it works well to hide your eyes, AND you look like a pirate!! Arrrr!!

mintcar 9

You woke up one day to your ****** almost swollen shut? Almost as scary as ****** with teeth.


And just think: you'll be at far less risk for making a whole array of bad decisions with nasty consequences like no drunk driving, no "spontaneous" unprotected sex with strangers that ends in STDs or worse, babies, and no death by cirrhosis of the liver. I've been both a party animal and a nerd and I have to tell you I pick nerd any day.

Thats really shitty to read! I'm really sorry that happened to you. No offense to your mother, but they were the worst choice of words.

This happened to me though my eye was more than half shut. Use warm water on it, not cold, should be gone in about half an hour or something.