By ericane27 - 27/12/2011 19:53 - United States

Today, I woke up to someone screaming "FIRE!" When I sat up, my face went right into my room-mate's ballsack. Apparently it was funny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 361
You deserved it 5 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bfrench95 0

You should have yelled "BABY KILLER" then headbutt his nutsack :)


I read the first three posts on this thread, up voted keevarou and the rest is too much to read

I've never understood why it's funny to have another dude's face in your balls... All I can think is he's closet gay.

Alright I guess I'll throw on my serious cap for one comment. People are wondering why #2 has so many "haters"? That explanation is simple, people who have a FML profile usually made it so they can make a witty/comical comments, participate in flame wars, or to troll for arguments. So in light of this, people will flame the boring comments, yes it was a well thought out comment but still a boring one. You make the obvious choice for your comment (one generally most of us thought of and rejected) then expect a long stream of "haters". Personally I think #2 figured that out and is just trolling, serious hat off, back to "lol sucks for you" comments....

Damion_Laverne 6

You should have gotten him back and made it awkward by startin' to suck on them and then say JK!