By LockedOut - 02/11/2013 06:27 - United States

Today, I woke up to a brand new password on my phone that only my wife knows. Apparently, she thinks I've been looking at my phone more than I've been talking to her lately. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 001
You deserved it 47 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whatever happened to couples who talk and get through difficult times together? Everyone is so sue and "dump him/her" happy. It's sad.


THAT'S GENIUS! You're wife is a feisty one ;) I like her already !

Maybe you should do the same to her phone :p

YDI for looking at your phone more than you talk to her. I doubt she's never mentioned this before as I find most guys tend to whine about gals 'nagging' which often is a gal voicing her concerns/complaints about the relationship and what she wants changed/done. So likely she's been nagging you about it, you ignore it, and she resorted to this. In my opinion her actions aren't a FML as the few remaining married gals I know would have handed you divorce papers though in my opinion that probably would have been more suited as it seems you two have quite a sucky relationship.

If I were you, Id tell her to be more interesting so that way you'll be tempted to talk to her instead of looking at your phone. haha

my parents are like this, my dad's always on his phone during dinner, special occasions and practically every waking moment and it drives my mum insane. We have a no phones rule during meal times and special occasions now.

He doesn't deserve being locked out of his phone even if he doesn't pay attention to his wife. She should've just spoke to him before doing something so drastic.