By Noname - 28/01/2009 12:13 - United States

Today, I woke up at 5:15, snow blowed and salted the driveway for over an hour, left early and drove an hour on shitty roads just to get to work on time only to be laid off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 894
You deserved it 1 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is using a snowblower being lazy? OP was using the snowblower for the purpose it was made for.

Damn...that must suck...well think of it this way: Your work loses a loyal, hard-working employee :D


You didn't deserve this, but a snowblower? I certainly hope that your yard is huge and not that you're lazy. If you're not just lazy with a snowshovel, then you really don't deserve this I am SO sorry for you!

How is using a snowblower being lazy? OP was using the snowblower for the purpose it was made for.

Fed_up_life 0

so true... omg i know exactly how it feels. I know its not the same (kinda) but once i had to wake up at 5 to check if it would be a snow day the radio didn't work (battery's) the phone was offline, so i had to shovel snow because i didn't have equippement.. so i got to school late, and guess what there was no school

etherealjoy 0
baf_fml 0

How much snow do you really get in MO?

Damn...that must suck...well think of it this way: Your work loses a loyal, hard-working employee :D

bravesfan112233 0

this guy makes up so much stuff it's not real username is noname

Sometimes self indulgence is your best friend.