By socialbanana - 19/12/2016 02:13 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, after getting up at 6 a.m., fighting with the dogs to wipe their paws off from the snow, and having to wait for a moving truck to move so I could get to work by 8, I got a call from my boss saying we were closed due to weather. It was 8:15. I was already there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 655
You deserved it 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though your boss could have called earlier or gave earlier notice, there's not much you can do except go home and rest up. Props to you though, sounds like youre a hard worker.

cootiequeen4444 11

Do you get to work by 8 because that is when you are schedules or because that is when you always show up due to liking to get to work by a certain time to get to leave by a certain time. And were you the only one who showed up to work. or were other dejected souls leaving? It's FYL regardless, but the lever of it may differ depending on the answer to these question.. as it could be like the aggravation high school students get when they almost die getting school only to find out the county finally decided to close due the snow sometime during their commute.


species4872 19

At least you made it to work. Most people would just not try. Take pride in your determination.

Even though your boss could have called earlier or gave earlier notice, there's not much you can do except go home and rest up. Props to you though, sounds like youre a hard worker.

^ Agreed. Have a well deserved rest OP!! (◕‿◕✿)

You definitely have Perseverance to be that dedicated to come in despite harsh weather conditions, hope you enjoyed your day off.

Go sit in your boss's chair, light a fat cigar, put your feet on his desk and help yourself to the scotch he keeps in the lower-right drawer. Entertain yourself by yelling at imaginary employees, customers and suppliers and saying disgusting things to the imaginary secretary. Have fun with it!

Good for you! Never be late. Now you can enjoy the rest of your day with a clear conscience.

cootiequeen4444 11

Do you get to work by 8 because that is when you are schedules or because that is when you always show up due to liking to get to work by a certain time to get to leave by a certain time. And were you the only one who showed up to work. or were other dejected souls leaving? It's FYL regardless, but the lever of it may differ depending on the answer to these question.. as it could be like the aggravation high school students get when they almost die getting school only to find out the county finally decided to close due the snow sometime during their commute.

everyone's hours are the same. But we were told two days prior that we were closed the day before, and that we needed to be in at 8am to shovel snow so we could open. And no others were there too, so it was just like, you have ways of getting the weather, you could've called earlier or the day before.

No worries op, now you can go home and take some bong rips of that sweet legal reefer