By coolguy - 06/11/2012 05:15 - United States - Chesapeake

Today, I woke up and looked over to see the "beautiful girl" I slept with last night. Turns out it was the obsessive girl from my class with a man-face I had avoided all semester. In conclusion, beer goggles are very real and very powerful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 819
You deserved it 46 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rosie_Posie43 12

Still a better love story than Twilight.

YDI for getting drunk enough to sleep with someone you wouldn't want to sleep with sober.


Ks22 4

There will be two points of view on this story and he is assuming that her "obsessing" will live up to what he delivered. Chances are if he was so drunk he slept with a "man faced obsessive girl" that he has been avoiding then he probably didn't perform that well.

I hope you didn't tell her that and were a gentleman op, otherwise if you did you are a douche

Valiumknights44 12

I'm willing to agree with thr line of logic. I would also like to add that if you can't control yourself while drinking then maybe you shouldn't drink.

You deserve it for not being able to control yourself and for saying that she has a "man-face."

raycj 1

Sounds like rose from two and a half men!

noisebox 1

Well did you have a good time banging at the back door at least?

Coyote ugly, huh? Chew your arm off and run- even if you're in your place.

Maria_Obligacia 14

Aaaaand what did we learn here, OP? Do not drink like that, right? And oh - that's likely too much to ask - but try respecting other people, "cool guy". Man face? Really?