By footfood - 27/06/2011 14:56 - Slovenia

Today, I witnessed my girlfriend eat the dead skin from the soles of her feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 345
You deserved it 7 724

Same thing different taste


BeeMaddness 0

ew. you need a new girlfriend. that's just disgusting

cristig 0

bet you still kissed her!! ewww

faithe92 0

....i was eating breakfast and read this....appetite gone.

Ew that's disgusting... and you kiss her right? just think of all the times you kissed her and she did that right before hand... Yuck! FYL

I realize I;m normally a grammar Nazi, but the OP clearly doesn't know vocabulary, so I'll call him out on it. Intimate does not have anything thing to with feet, unless you have a foot fetish, if you do, more power to you. Particularly, this particular site has the Intimacy category for every FML sex related and use the word euphemistically in the place of the word Sex, which the category was named before the site did away with it. Eating the skin off your feet is disgusting and personal, but it doesn't have anything to do with sex, which is fairly obvious. FFS, be intelligent next time and place it in love or health. -From the Grammar Nazi. P.S. - I agree with everyone who responded to the first post. Fudgesicle is a ******* moron and I too hope he dies.

1MaoChan 4

I see a few mistakes in your comment. (: And just maybe, that was a turnoff for him. think bout it.

Got laid about week ago and I'll get laid in about a week when my girlfriend stops being on vacation. Also, my comment is the main post so I didn't feel like proofreading it and I can think of tons of misc. FMLs that are a turn off for a large part of the human race. DO they all belong in the intimacy category? No they don't and neither does this one. And I counted one mistake, using ; instead of ' since they're beside each other, and one redundancy, saying particular or a variation of it twice in one sentence referring to the same scenario. I did use the word intimate where the word intimacy may have been more relevant, but I was talking about the meaning of a word in general and all of its variations. so either one is correct.

danman91 0

ahhhh that's fucken gross man!

looks like you won't be kissing her for a while...