By SFra - 24/10/2012 01:19 - United States

Today, I went to the Natural History Museum with my boyfriend. While we were standing in front of real dinosaur bones, he told me he didn't believe in dinosaurs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 823
You deserved it 3 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Airman1988 9

Here's your sign. Better hope he has recessive genes if you have kids

Tell him you don't believe in dating ignorant people?

Does he also believe that the earth used to be in black and white?

Haha! My dad used to tell me this when I was little.

Oh heck, next he'll be saying that plate tectonics are a lie! :O

whiteboy896 9

I don't believe in the wind either...oh wait. If there is physical evidence of something you dont believe in then you my friend, are a dumbass. GL OP

Thank you christianity for creating a new generation of backwards idiots incapable of critical thought.

Shut the **** up. I'm not a christian, but i know people who are, and they're some of the smartest people i've met. No one wants to read your stereotypes.

whiteboy896 9

Im a christian and I believe in dinosaurs? Stop being a sterotyped douchebag.

weasel123 9

Christianity does not create idiots. There are idiots everywhere that associate with just about every religion or way of thinking and make the rest of the group look bad; be it Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists, Atheists, etc. Just because the Bible doesn't specifically name dinosaurs doesn't mean they never existed. And just because I don't believe the same things you do does not mean I am incapable of critical thought, and vice versa.

Thank you, 50. For someone talking about critical thinking, 33 did not do much analysis of his own, instead repeating the same old stereotype mindlessly. It's important to note that there are indeed idiots everywhere; just as Americans object to being stereotyped as fat stupid Honey Boo Boos, religious people object to being called idiots that reject all forms of science.

ineslovescats 5

Please, don't reproduce. More idiots such as yourself are not needed nor are they wanted in the world

Yeah not all of us are backwards. I'm Christian and I believe in dinosaurs, dragons, unicorns, and smart people

Whoa, don't be hating on us. To generalize Christians like that is inexcusable. You sir, need to pull your head out. I guarantee there are people in your life that you love and look up to who are Christian.

Perhaps idiot was the wrong choice of words. While I have never met one (and I have known more than my fair share of christians), it is possible there are intelligent christians out there somewhere. Unfortunately the rest still stands. If you read the bible and see it as historical or scientific fact then your logic is flawed.

152, if you read the bible an find it as historical, your logic is your logic. If you want to look at it as a history book, then look at it as a history book. If it's just a fantasy to you, ten it's just a fantasy, but don't tell one person that they're wrong just because you don't believe in what they do.

I don't believe in dinosaurs either. I'm a Christian and for the most part, dinosaurs don't really line up with my faith. It's not that I don't believe there were other creatures back then that don't exist now, I just don't believe in dinosaurs in particular. Call me crazy or stupid or thumb down my comment if it pleases you, by all means. But that's what I believe and I have that right. :)

whiteboy896 9

Thumbs down it is, someone help me do it twice :)

don't usually respond to this kind of comment. But you do realise that dinosaurs still exist don't you? Crocodiles, Maggie Thatcher, etc.

40 exactly, I don't see this as a matter of believing or not, as there is living proof, like crocodiles and the coelacanth, as well as non living proof in fossils etc.

I come from a Christian family too, but really? In your theory, where do all the dinosaur fossils that are found come from? Just curious.

N3766 20

Not sure trolling or ultra dumb...

Maybe im just being ignorant about the whole religion and dinosaur thing. Dinosaurs existed! Its a scientific fact. What i dont understand is when you say your religion doesnt line up with the existance of dinosaurs. Im not having a dig at christianity or any religion. Is someone able to explain how religion doesnt line up with science? I dont believe in any religion so i dont quite understand it.

I must let you know, as a fellow Christian, that the Bible does speak of creatures that match the same description of dinosaurs. Now, obviously, the word dinosaur did not exist during the times that the Bible was written so they were described with period accurate words such as large reptiles, dragons, and sea monsters.

113: Not cool and not funny, bro. Suicide is serious.

38: Can you justify your position? How do you explain bones and fossils? I'm genuinely curious.

skyeyez9 24

I guess all the dinosaur FOSSIL EVIDENCE is one big Conspiracy by Satan to make Christians believe in evolution and continue on the wide road to Hell?

ellytoad 13

Is it because dinosaurs sound too cool to be true, Spark? Eh... whatever helps you fall asleep at night, I guess.

I like how you convince yourself to believe what is essentially magic, yet ignore the countless amount of physical, direct evidence of dinosaurs.

In these days, you have no right to be stupid. If there is physical evidence, this overrules any belief system.

Looks like you picked a winner, sorry op